Private Email Privacy Policy

Private Email is a product of Namecheap, subject to its Namecheap Universal Terms of Service Agreement and Privacy Policy. This policy applies to all Namecheap brands, websites, apps, products, services or technologies including Private Email.

Information Collection

Private Email Account level information is processed as per general Namecheap Privacy Policy. No additional information is collected on a product-level.

Private Email as a standalone product is eligible to store emails, calendar appointments, files and documents, widgets created, received, sent or uploaded via web interface or email clients.

Linking Google Email Account

When a Google Email account is linked to a Private Email account, Google will send and sync contacts and calendar information to be stored within your Private Email account. All other Google Email account information, such as Google emails, are simply accessible through a special interface and reside with Google. By linking your Google Email account to your Private Email account, you are permitting us to access and process your data.

Private Email will not store any of that data. The access is required for OX Appsuite app to provide the user with the interface access. Inside of the OX Appsuite, the user will be able to access his / her Google Drive files, contacts, and calendar through the OX app.

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